SPTW London simul fundraiser

SPTW Founder, International Master Lorin D’Costa, gave a 12 board chess simultaneous exhibition at Hendon chess club in London, to raise money for She Plays To Win.

£240 was raised and will go straight to SPTW to help fund events, trainings and tournaments that SPTW will be running to help girls chess in the UK.

Lorin managed to win all 12 games, not without stiff resistance from opponents aged 6 up to experienced adult player!

My thanks to those at Hendon chess club for helping to organise and publicise the event with its members and local players. They have put a report on their club website about the event:


Any other chess clubs in the UK who would like to run a similar event can contact Lorin via the ‘contact us’ page on our homepage.


SPTW mentioned in the Guardian newspaper


28 girls at 1st SPTW Starter Girls Tournament in Brentwood